Archive: Civilian nuclear industry
- U.S. promotion of nuclear power during the Biden administration
- Civilian plutonium declarations for 2023
- UK takes ownership of Italian separated plutonium
- United Kingdom plans to immobilize civilian plutonium
- New EU regulations on Euratom safeguards
- China starts construction of a third demonstration reprocessing plant
- Launch of the second reprocessing line in Zheleznogorsk
- Rosatom plans to build new BN-type reactors
- ASP Isotopes to provide HALEU to TerraPower
- US Department of Energy selected companies to work on HALEU enrichment
- Urenco started expansion of the US enrichment plant
- France's Orano to build an enrichment plant in Oak Ridge
- Japan's Rokkasho reprocessing plant delayed until at least 2027
- Russia to supply MOX fuel for China's CFR-600 reactor
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2023
- United States seeks to boost domestic enrichment capacity
- Framatom to provide HALEU metal for TerraPower
- Russian laws prohibit military use of HEU supplied to China
- UK supports URENCO to build HALEU production facility
- Framatome to produce LEU fuel for Germany's FRM-II reactor
- Global Laser Enrichment is authorized to load UF6 in the test laser enrichment loop
- 2022 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- France to produce tritium for nuclear weapons in EDF civilian nuclear reactors
- China started operation of two new enrichment plants in 2023
- URENCO to expand capacity of the Almelo enrichment plant
- US Department of Energy requests proposals for HALEU deconversion
- Orano to increase capacity of the George Besse 2 enrichment plant
- US Centrus starts production of HALEU
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2022
- TerraPower and Centrus to cooperate on HALEU
- URENCO to expand its enrichment capacity in the United States
- URENCO plans to expand the Gronau enrichment plant in Germany
- Japan's plutonium utilization plan delayed again
- 2021 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Tenth centrifuge cascade is added at the Resende plant
- BN-800 reactor is fully loaded with MOX fuel
- Troubles with France's plutonium fuel program
- Magnox reprocessing plant completed operations
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2021
- United States removed plutonium from the IAEA laboratory
- Brazil to install new centrifuges cascades at the Resende plant
- United States to send small quantities of fissile materials to the IAEA
- Shipment of MOX fuel from France to Japan
- 2020 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2020
- China starts construction of the second CFR-600 breeder reactor
- 2019 civilian plutonium and HEU declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Decommissioning the reprocessing plant in West Valley, New York
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2019
- Launch of the Rokkasho reprocessing plant is postponed until 2022
- BN-600 operating license extended to 2025, may be extended further
- India's prototype breeder reactor is delayed again
- Kazakhstan (almost) pulls out of uranium enrichment join venture with Russia
- New IPFM report on Britain's Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP)
- 2018 civilian plutonium and HEU declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Final shipment of LEU arrived at the IAEA fuel bank in Kazakhstan
- Russia appears to expand the HEU production line in Zelenogorsk
- Japan's uranium enrichment plant in Rokkasho shipped little product since 2012
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2018
- High-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) production in the United States
- Silex Systems invests in the U.S. enrichment venture after all
- IAEA buys uranium for the fuel bank in Kazakhstan
- Sellafield's THORP reprocessing plant shut down
- Areva's Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility license withdrawn
- India's prototype breeder reactor delayed until at least 2019
- 2017 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to IAEA
- France believes reprocessing plant in China will begin operations in 2030
- Brazil adds centrifuges to its enrichment plant
- Japan's new policy on its plutonium stockpile
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2017
- France and China continue to discuss reprocessing plant
- Japan approves a plan to decommission Tokai-mura reprocessing plant
- Silex pulls out of U.S. laser enrichment projects
- Second pilot reprocessing line in Zheleznogorsk
- Test run of a new reprocessing plant in Zheleznogorsk
- American Centrifuge Lead Cascade Facility to be decommissioned
- China adds new enrichment facility at the Hanzhong plant
- Diverging recommendations on Sweden's spent nuclear fuel repository
- China and France continue negotiations on reprocessing facility
- China begins construction of a pilot fast breeder reactor
- Rokkasho plant will not start until 2021
- More delays in India's breeder reactor program
- 2016 civilian plutonium reports submitted to IAEA
- Nuclear Safeguards Bill introduced to UK parliament
- British pledge to go it alone on safeguards implementation
- LEU fuel bank in Kazakhstan is inaugurated
- United Kingdom discusses implications of its departure from Euratom treaty
- List of U.S. nuclear facilities declared to the IAEA under Additional Protocol
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2016
- Unprecedented evidence of eroded safety culture at La Hague plutonium facility
- United Kingdom takes ownership of some Spanish and German plutonium
- Georges Besse II enrichment plant reached full capacity
- Sellafield's Evaporator D Project - A Lesson for La Hague?
- Reprocessing plant at Mayak to begin reprocessing of VVER-1000 fuel
- Department of Energy to sell depleted uranium to Global Laser Enrichment
- Russia may supply uranium enrichment technology to India
- 2015 civilian plutonium reports submitted to IAEA
- Japan releases 2015 report on plutonium management
- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2016 released
- Brazil to export enriched uranium from Resende to Argentina
- United States to supply small amount of HEU to China
- Proliferation assessment of third generation laser uranium enrichment technology
- Use of plutonium in MOX in the European Union
- IAEA fuel bank in Kazakhstan is set to open in September 2017
- GE-Hitachi to leave Silex joint venture
- American Centrifuge Project shuts down
- IPFM Report "Plutonium Separation in Nuclear Power Programs" in Chinese
- Argentina inaugurates its Pilcaniyeu enrichment plant (again)
- Another delay for the Rokkasho reprocessing plant
- Sellafield's ageing THORP plant flunks major foreign fuel reprocessing target
- Chinese scholars express concern about Japan's fissile materials
- 2014 civilian plutonium (and HEU) reports submitted to IAEA
- Russia launches commercial MOX fuel fabrication facility
- U.S. Department of Energy shuts down American Centrifuge Plant at Piketon
- India announces plans for starting construction of fast reactor fuel reprocessing plant
- Kazakhstan and IAEA sign agreement to set up LEU fuel bank
- Plutonium disposition in the United Kingdom - Immobilization option re-opened?
- Areva continues negotiations to build reprocessing plant in China
- United States grants advance consents rights to Korea for overseas reprocessing
- Advisory group recommends building dry storage facility in South Korea
- IAEA approves the LEU bank in Kazakhstan
- Kazakhstan approves an agreement with IAEA to create an LEU reserve
- U.S. president submits 123 Agreement with China to Congress
- Russia considers postponing construction of the BN-1200 breeder reactor
- Alternatives to MOX: a new report by the International Panel on Fissile Materials
- Taiwan spent fuel reprocessing tender process suspended
- Taiwan tenders spent fuel reprocessing contract
- Argentina announced restart of the Pilcaniyeu enrichment plant
- Launch of the Rokkasho reprocessing plant is delayed again
- Ukraine begins construction of centralized spent fuel storage
- Japan submitted its 2013 plutonium report to IAEA
- Tokai-mura reprocessing plant head-end to be shut down
- Russia's 2013 civilian plutonium declaration
- Japan's 2013 plutonium report
- Germany's 2013 report on civilian plutonium and HEU
- UK civilian plutonium and uranium stocks in 2013
- China has not separated any plutonium in 2013
- French civilian plutonium and HEU in 2013
- India delays launch of PFBR breeder reactor until March 2015
- 1,000 tonnes of THORP contracts abandoned since 1994
- Euratom safeguards in 2013
- UK decision to take over foreign plutonium raises safeguards questions
- Dutch reactor operating with MOX fuel for the first time
- Russian BN-800 breeder has reached criticality
- MOX fuel in Japan: Summary of shipments, use, and storage
- An error in Japan's civilian plutonium declarations
- Russia reports its 2012 civilian plutonium stock
- Japanese-French fast breeder cooperation
- Switzerland declares its 2013 plutonium stock
- U.S. civilian plutonium holdings in December 2012
- New agreement signed to advance Areva reprocessing project in China
- Sweden wants to transfer ownership of 834 kg of separated plutonium to the United Kingdom
- GLE will apply for license to build laser enrichment facility in Paducah
- China calls on Japan to return weapons grade plutonium to the United States
- U.K. plutonium re-use policy slammed in House of Commons report
- Nuclear train accident in Britain latest of a recent series
- United Kingdom remains undecided on plutonium reuse options
- Rokkasho reprocessing plant expects to begin operations in October 2014
- Japanese breeder Monju control room computer hacked
- Russia to return nuclear-powered container ship to service
- Consortium established to build European fast reactor demonstrator
- Last HEU-LEU program shipment to leave Russia
- Areva to produce MOX fuel for the Netherlands
- Japan reports its 2012 plutonium stock to IAEA
- China's 2012 civilian plutonium declaration
- Russia to supply HEU fuel for French research reactor
- China is building an indigenous enrichment facility in Hanzhong
- Japan's 2012 plutonium management report
- France declares its 2012 stocks of civilian plutonium and HEU
- Roadmap for ending plutonium separation in Japan
- Germany's 2012 civilian plutonium and HEU declaration
- China's centrifuges produced first enriched uranium
- United Kingdom declares its 2012 civilian plutonium and HEU stocks
- Lessons learned from Sellafield MOX Plant
- Switzerland's 2012 plutonium holdings
- Enrichment plant in Paducah to close
- Japan's nuclear regulator to suspend Monju reactor
- Areva to build reprocessing plant in China
- Rokkasho reprocessing plant unlikely to start before 2014
- Civilian plutonium swap increased the amount of UK owned plutonium
- Areva launches commercial production at Georges Besse II North enrichment plant
- U.S. Department of Energy sets strategy for dealing with spent fuel
- Russia declares its 2011 civilian plutonium holdings
- Civilian plutonium in Belgium in 2011
- United States declares its 2011 non-military plutonium stock
- Russia launches HEU production line
- Germany declares its 2011 plutonium and HEU stocks
- Japan's 2011 civilian plutonium declaration
- No changes in China's civilian plutonium in 2011
- U.S. regulators issue license to GE-Hitachi for laser enrichment plant
- UK civilian plutonium and HEU stocks in 2011
- French civilian plutonium and HEU stocks in 2011
- Switzerland declares civilian plutonium holdings for 2011
- United Kingdom takes ownership of German plutonium in title swap
- United Kingdom to explore alternatives to use of MOX in light-water reactors
- U.K. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority publishes oxide fuel strategy
- Georges Besse enrichment plant ceases production
- Kazakhstan offers Ulba as a site for IAEA fuel bank
- United Kingdom to look at alternatives to MOX
- India's prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) to go critical early 2013
- Another malfunction at the Rokkasho reprocessing plant
- Blue Ribbon Commission released its final report
- Russia commissions dry storage facility in Zheleznogorsk
- Japan starts operating new centrifuges
- Japanese mislead about spent fuel reprocessing costs
- Belgian-Chinese MOX deal is put on hold
- United Kingdom plans to convert its civilian plutonium to MOX
- Some details of India's nuclear program
- Russia's civilian plutonium in 2010
- Mongolia ends discussions of spent fuel storage
- Japan's civilian plutonium holdings in 2010
- Belgium declares is 2010 plutonium holdings
- France declares its 2010 civilian plutonium and HEU stocks
- International Panel on Fissile Materials releases report on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors
- Switzerland's civilian plutonium in 2010
- U.S. non-military plutonium in 2010
- United States announces details of the American Assured Fuel Supply
- Closure of Sellafield MOX Plant Announced
- High-level waste shipments from Sellafield to Japan continue
- Draft report of the Blue Ribbon Commission
- New Nuclear Suppliers Group guidelines for the export of sensitive technologies
- China's experimental fast reactor connected to the grid
- Details of the plan to store spent fuel in Mongolia
- Japan considers shutting down Monju fast-breeder reactor
- Germany plutonium and HEU stocks in 2010
- China declares first separated civilian plutonium
- United Kingdom declares civilian plutonium and HEU holdings in 2010
- Power outage damaged six centrifuges at USEC plant
- Conflicting reports about spent fuel disposal in Mongolia
- Russia begins shipments of Mo-99 to Iran
- Questions raised about safety of the U.S. MOX plant
- Rosatom confirms it will not bring foreign-origin spent fuel to Russia
- U.S. MOX program wanted relaxed security at the weapon-grade plutonium facility
- New Russian-built enrichment plant in China begins operations
- Tenex and USEC sign LEU supply contract, discuss enrichment facility in the U.S.
- Fire in the spent fuel pool of Unit 4 at Fukushima-I
- U.S. plutonium disposition program: Uncertainties of the MOX route
- Sellafield radioactive discharges: Breach of international convention in normal operation
- Japan shuts down last centrifuge cascade in Rokkasho
- Sellafield Product & Residue Store received first batch of plutonium
- Plutonium to MOX: "Repeating Mistakes of the Past"
- UK Separated Plutonium Management - A New Sellafield MOX Plant?
- South Africa considers joining the Angarsk center
- Reprocessing in China: Separating fact from fiction
- U.S.-Russian 123 agreement enters into force
- China declared no civilian plutonium in 2008 and 2009
- India starts new unsafeguarded reprocessing plant
- Cadarache: Waste drums with plutonium content way off-limit
- NRC issues safety report for Savannah River MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility
- U.S. non-military plutonium in 2009
- Successful hot test of China's pilot reprocessing plant
- Monju reactor is unlikely to start until 2014
- Areva inaugurates the Georges Besse II enrichment plant
- U.S.-Russian 123 agreement on nuclear cooperation passes U.S. Congress
- IAEA approves NTI-supported fuel bank
- Russia created nuclear fuel reserve
- Further delay for India's breeder reactor
- Spent fuel of the BN-350 reactor moved to secure storage
- Germany declared its 2009 plutonium and HEU holdings
- Japanese utilities increase their stake in Georges Besse II enrichment plant
- Mongolia to join the International Uranium Enrichment Center
- Argentina reopens its Pilcaniyeu uranium enrichment plant
- China is believed to operate indigenous enrichment plant
- Future supply of tritium for U.S. nuclear weapons in doubt
- Belgium authorities and French GDF-Suez set for MOX fuel technology transfer to China
- Japan's civilian plutonium stock as of December 2009
- Ukraine is a full member of the International Uranium Enrichment Center
- Russia will build enrichment plant in China ahead of schedule
- Belgium declares its 2009 civilian plutonium stock
- Rokkasho plant extracted no plutonium in 2009
- Less than 4% of French nuclear fuel "recycled", NGOs calculate
- Fuel "recycling" a myth, a French report involuntarily demonstrates
- Report: Long-term plans to develop an FBR based plutonium economy in France is not demonstrated
- France: Official plan admits problems with management of uranium and plutonium
- France's 2009 declaration of civilian plutonium and HEU
- Accident at the Monju fast breeder reactor
- Another delay for Rokkasho reprocessing plant
- Rosatom set to manufacture MOX fuel at Zheleznogorsk
- Rosatom may build an enrichment facility in the United States
- Third reactor in Japan to use MOX fuel
- Los Alamos repackages Russian-origin plutonium-238
- United Kingdom's declaration of civilian plutonium and HEU in 2009
- Russia's civilian plutonium in 2009
- United States and India sign an agreement on reprocessing
- China's experimental fast reactor went critical
- URENCO begins enrichment in the United States
- BN-600 license may be extended to 2025
- Plans to expand enrichment at Angarsk put on hold
- It's time to give up on breeder reactors
- End of reprocessed uranium exports to Russia?
- Switzerland's civilian plutonium in 2009
- U.K. opens storage facility at Sellafield
- U.S.-Russian 123 agreement on nuclear cooperation resubmitted to Congress
- Japanese fast breeder reactor Monju restarted after 14-year shutdown
- Japanese daily Asahi slams breeder reactors
- UK begins return of high-level waste to foreign customers amid uncertainty about its own plutonium
- BN-600 fast reactor to operate until 2020
- AREVA signs MOX fuel fabrication contract with Japanese utility
- IAEA and Russia signed a fuel bank agreement
- U.S. civilian plutonium in 2008
- USEC began operations of a lead cascade at American Centrifuge Plant
- Japan outlines plans for use of plutonium in its 2010 research program
- Status of Japan's MOX fuel program
- A French documentary on nuclear waste
- Poor safety record at Sellafield plutonium facilities
- History and status of fast breeder reactor programs worldwide
- India's first fast breeder reactor delayed
- Civilian plutonium stocks in France 1994-2008
- Tritium production and recovery in the United States in FY2011
- Blue Ribbon Commission will examine fuel cycle
- URENCO outlines expansion plans
- Uranium gas leak at enrichment facility in Germany
- BN-800 expected to begin operations in 2014
- Improvements of the MPC&A system at Mayak
- Ellen Tauscher outlines U.S. policies on nuclear fuel cycle
- Nuclear cooperation agreement between France and India enters into force
- Ukraine is finally joining the Angarsk center
- French Prime Minister offers reprocessing technology to China
- Repair work completed on waste disposal site at La Hague
- French nuclear cooperation with India to cover reprocessing
- IAEA approves Russian fuel bank proposal
- Large discrepancy in amount of plutonium at shutdown French MOX plant
- Euratom Supply Agency 2008 annual report details use of plutonium
- Expansion of enrichment capacity in Angarsk
- Moscow summit yields little visible progress on nuclear cooperation
- Rosatom signs another fuel contract in U.S.
- Russia in talks about centrifuge plant in the U.S.?
- Russia will sell enrichment services directly to U.S. utilities
- Russia ships centrifuges to China
- Obama-Medvedev statement notes civil HEU minimization, 123 agreement
- Kuwait pledges 10 million to NTI fuel bank
- IAEA approves India's additional protocol
- The end of Yucca Mountain
- Ukraine signs fuel supply contract with TVEL
- Iran says it's still interested in Angarsk IUEC
- Rosatom floating reactors plans
- IAEA reports on Iran and Syria
- Russia signs nuclear agreement with Mongolia
- Cooperation on shared nuclear waste repository in Europe
- Launch of Rokkasho plant delayed
- TVEL will supply fuel pellets to India
- Ukraine is joining Angarsk center
- Areva to supply reactors, fuel, and uranium to India
- Financing problems at the American Centrifuge Plant
- GLE begins licensing process
- Bushehr start date is uncertain
- Areva to supply enrichment services to EdF
- Large spent fuel repository planned for Krasnoyarsk region
- India signs safeguards agreement
- MOX fuel shipment to Japan prepared
- U.S. Supreme Court rules that enriched uranium is "goods"
- Enrichment plant in Resende to begin operations
- U.S. withdraws 123 agreement with Russia from Congress
- NSG approves nuclear trade with India
- Bushehr reactor will not start in 2008
- Rosatom plans for Zheleznogorsk
- USEC American Centrifuge Plant to cost $3.5 billion
- Construction of spent fuel storage facility in Zheleznogorsk to resume
- 123 agreement in danger
- No centrifuge safeguards in Angarsk
- Rosatom took control over nuclear icebreakers
- Ukraine considers fuel fabrication
- UAE supports NTI fuel bank
- MOX fuel controversy
- U.S. donates $50 million to fuel bank
- Massive subsidy to Rosatom
- Mayak plans expansion of reprocessing
- Mayak wants to build a MOX fabrication plant
- Kudankulam fuel shipments completed
- Cameco joins the Silex project
- Areva signs contract to build MOX fuel fabrication facility
- Russia and China sign enrichment deal
- Accelerated downblending: Domenici amendment
- U.S.-Russian agreement on nuclear cooperation
- AREVA will build an enrichment plant in Idaho
- GE-Hitachi plans to build a Silex plant in U.S.
- Failure of GNEP strategy
- Japan is cautious about Angarsk
- Ukraine fuel supply between TVEL and Westinghouse
- Ukraine is holding back its spent fuel due to raising cost
- Russia will continue supplying centrifuges to China
- Russia may build a centrifuge plant in the U.S.?
- Ukraine tries to diversify fuel supply
- U.S.-Russian agreement on nuclear cooperation stalled
- Norway pledges $5 million to a fuel bank
- Russian-Indian agreement on Kudankulam
- Armenia joins Angarsk center
- Angarsk will be under IAEA safeguards
- Russia and the United States signed a uranium agreement
- Ukraine to create fuel reserve
- U.S. and Russia to sign a uranium enrichment deal
- Russia delivers fuel for the Bushehr plant in Iran
- Ukraine is building spent fuel storage facility
- Russia raises the cost of spent fuel takeback
- Price of Russian fuel for Ukraine
- China wants reprocessing technology from France
- Russia begins shipment of fuel to Iran
- U.S.-Russian agreement on plutonium disposal