Archive: Weapons complex

  1. India has commissioned its second nuclear-powered submarine
  2. US plans weapon-grade HEU enrichment plant within a decade
  3. Update on the US naval spent fuel shipments to Idaho National Lab
  4. France to produce tritium for nuclear weapons in EDF civilian nuclear reactors
  5. United Kingdom to build a new plutonium component manufacture facility
  6. Fissile material programs in the US budgets for 2022 and 2023
  7. The death of Frits Veerman - not the end of the Khan Affair
  8. U.S. plutonium pit production: Key updates
  9. Five controversial fissile-material-related items in the Department of Energy's FY2021 Budget Request
  10. Plutonium pit budget request: another massive increase expected
  11. U.S. plutonium pit production plans advance, with new requirements
  12. Shipments of U.S. spent fuel to the Idaho National Laboratory
  13. U.S. shift away from HEU-fueled naval nuclear reactors could begin in the 2040s
  14. Fissile material mysteries in the U.S. Department of Energy FY20 budget request
  15. NRC terminates construction authorization for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility
  16. U.S. naval spent fuel shipped to the Idaho National Laboratory
  17. US plutonium pit production plans fail to satisfy Congress; further studies underway
  18. United States to down-blend HEU for tritium production
  19. Pilot project to reprocess naval spent fuel at Idaho National Laboratory
  20. U.S. plutonium pit production and disposition plans face congressional scrutiny
  21. Declaring more U.S. weapon-grade uranium excess could delay the need to build a new national enrichment plant
  22. Questions about projected U.S. plutonium pit production capability
  23. Accident said to damage India's nuclear-powered submarine
  24. Fissile material issues in the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
  25. India launches its second nuclear-powered submarine
  26. Spent fuel of plutonium production reactors removed from Zheleznogorsk
  27. Chinese naval reactors
  28. U.S. Department of Energy seeks domestic enrichment capability
  29. United States adds 500 warheads to dismantlement queue, outlines its nuclear security record
  30. U.S. Congress sustains MOX facility construction
  31. India's first nuclear submarine accepted for service
  32. A plan to upgrade naval spent fuel handling facility at the Idaho National Laboratory
  33. Pakistan may be building a new enrichment facility
  34. U.S. reprocessing plant at the Savannah River Site resumed operations
  35. Russia to decommission a metallurgical plant in Seversk
  36. United States releases an update of its HEU inventory
  37. Ongoing transfers of weapon materials between the United States and the United Kingdom
  38. United States to discontinue construction of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility
  39. Could the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant go critical if more plutonium were disposed in it?
  40. United States to dispose of 6 MT of weapon-grade plutonium in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
  41. Former defense reprocessing plant in Seversk to be decommissioned
  42. IPFM presents Global Fissile Material Report 2015 at the NPT Review Conference
  43. United States has no preferred alternative for disposition of surplus plutonium
  44. U.S. Department of Energy set to restart last remaining U.S. reprocessing plant
  45. U.S. MOX report reveals major cost estimate increases
  46. Russia removed weapon-grade plutonium from Seversk
  47. Pakistan's Chashma reprocessing plant may be completed
  48. Fourth plutonium production reactor in Pakistan appears operational
  49. Two new reports raise fundamental questions on Savannah River MOX plant
  50. Savannah River MOX Plant secures 2015 funding but future of program remains in doubt
  51. U.S. MOX plant construction license extended
  52. Pakistan outlines scope for FM(C)T intended to establish parity with India
  53. India ratifies an additional protocol and will safeguard two more nuclear power reactors
  54. Pakistan begins operating third Khushab plutonium production reactor
  55. Damning U.S. Department of Energy audit on cost and schedule overruns at the MOX Fabrication Facility at the Savannah River Site
  56. United States updates information about its nuclear weapons stokpile
  57. United States puts MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility on cold standby
  58. Further increase in the cost of U.S. plutonium disposition program
  59. Rising cost of the Uranium Processing Facility in the United States
  60. UK nuclear warhead dismantlement program
  61. India activated its first nuclear submarine reactor
  62. United States to look for more efficient plutonium disposition options
  63. The cost of the U.S. MOX plant is estimated to be $7.7 billion
  64. Amounts of fissile materials in early Soviet nuclear devices
  65. United States begins shipments of plutonium from Savannah River to WIPP
  66. Special nuclear material removed from Livermore
  67. Unprecedented security breach at the key U.S. HEU storage facility
  68. Environmental impact statement for the U.S. surplus plutonium disposition program
  69. U.S. Nuclear Weapons Council recommends deferral of the CMRR facility
  70. United States releases an update of its plutonium inventory
  71. Decommissioning of Seversk plutonium production reactors
  72. Pakistan again blocks UN Conference on Disarmament talks on FCMT
  73. Russia to complete separation of weapon-grade plutonium
  74. North Korea agreed to suspend nuclear activities
  75. Some details of India's nuclear program
  76. H-Canyon to produce MOX feed from excess weapon plutonium
  77. United States produces MOX feed from weapon plutonium
  78. U.S. non-military plutonium in 2010
  79. United States announces details of the American Assured Fuel Supply
  80. U.S. court rules against suspension of CMRR plutonium facility
  81. Questions raised about safety of the U.S. MOX plant
  82. A U.S. court to hold hearings on CMRR plutonium facility at Los Alamos
  83. U.S. MOX program wanted relaxed security at the weapon-grade plutonium facility
  84. U.S. plutonium disposition program: Uncertainties of the MOX route
  85. Zheleznogorsk will complete separation of plutonium in 2012
  86. Pakistan is seen as building fourth plutonium production reactor
  87. Pakistan to block progress at the CD, citing Obama's support of India joining NSG
  88. The Conference on Disarmament in 2011: Pakistan and the FMCT, and Wikileaks
  89. India starts new unsafeguarded reprocessing plant
  90. India shuts down CIRUS reactor
  91. U.S. non-military plutonium in 2009
  92. Future supply of tritium for U.S. nuclear weapons in doubt
  93. Restroom cleaner vapors shut down parts of Los Alamos plutonium processing facility
  94. United States and Russia request safeguards for their excess plutonium
  95. POGO report on U.S. highly-enriched uranium
  96. Changes in U.S. Surplus Plutonium Disposition program
  97. Nuclear warhead dismantlement at Y-12 suspended over safety issues
  98. Argentina considers naval reactors
  99. Project 816 - Unfinished plutonium production complex in China
  100. India developing new centrifuges and increasing enrichment capacity
  101. Video of handling of nuclear warheads at a NNSA facility
  102. U.S.-Russian Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement
  103. Russia no longer produces weapon materials
  104. Nuclear Security Summit documents
  105. United States and Russia sign protocol to plutonium disposition agreement
  106. Last Russian plutonium production reactor to finally shut down
  107. U.S. and Russia to finalize plutonium disposition agreement
  108. Plutonium processing to remain at Mayak
  109. U.S. civilian plutonium in 2008
  110. Pakistan may have completed new plutonium production reactor, Khushab-II
  111. Shutdown schedule for Russia's last plutonium production reactor
  112. Incident at Russian plutonium production reactor
  113. U.S. assistance in securing fissile materials in Russia
  114. Tritium production and recovery in the United States in FY2011
  115. U.S. contribution to Russia's plutonium disposition program
  116. U.S. fissile material disposition programs in FY2011
  117. U.S. administration requests funds for nuclear weapons facilities
  118. NNSA nuclear warheads activity in FY2011
  119. Start-up of the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility at Oak Ridge
  120. U.S. Navy plans for a new class of ballistic-missile submarines
  121. BN-800 expected to begin operations in 2014
  122. Improvements of the MPC&A system at Mayak
  123. Pakistan has blocked the start of talks on a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty
  124. Categorization of HEU fuel at Sandia
  125. Nuclear Fuel Services plant suspends production
  126. Refurbishing of nuclear warhead components in the U.S.
  127. Russia restarts plutonium production reactor
  128. Photos of trucks that transport nuclear materials and weapons components
  129. U.S. and Russian experts talk nuclear security at Angarsk
  130. Plutonium production reactor in Zheleznogorsk shut down
  131. Metallurgical plant at Mayak to close by 2014
  132. The last Russian plutonium production reactor to shut down
  133. IAEA reports on Iran and Syria
  134. NNSA releases plan for nuclear complex
  135. Last Russian plutonium production reactor to shut down in 2009
  136. MOX fuel controversy
  137. Plutonium from last Russian production reactors
  138. Zheleznogorsk reactor shutdown schedule
  139. Mayak wants to build a MOX fabrication plant
  140. Russia ends plutonium production in Seversk
  141. Areva signs contract to build MOX fuel fabrication facility
  142. Accelerated downblending: Domenici amendment
  143. Plutonium production reactor in Seversk shut down
  144. Most sensitive nuclear material removed from Sandia
  145. U.S.-Russian agreement on plutonium disposal
  146. U.S. removes nine tonnes of Pu from weapon stockpile