Archive: Weapons complex
- India has commissioned its second nuclear-powered submarine
- US plans weapon-grade HEU enrichment plant within a decade
- Update on the US naval spent fuel shipments to Idaho National Lab
- France to produce tritium for nuclear weapons in EDF civilian nuclear reactors
- United Kingdom to build a new plutonium component manufacture facility
- Fissile material programs in the US budgets for 2022 and 2023
- The death of Frits Veerman - not the end of the Khan Affair
- U.S. plutonium pit production: Key updates
- Five controversial fissile-material-related items in the Department of Energy's FY2021 Budget Request
- Plutonium pit budget request: another massive increase expected
- U.S. plutonium pit production plans advance, with new requirements
- Shipments of U.S. spent fuel to the Idaho National Laboratory
- U.S. shift away from HEU-fueled naval nuclear reactors could begin in the 2040s
- Fissile material mysteries in the U.S. Department of Energy FY20 budget request
- NRC terminates construction authorization for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility
- U.S. naval spent fuel shipped to the Idaho National Laboratory
- US plutonium pit production plans fail to satisfy Congress; further studies underway
- United States to down-blend HEU for tritium production
- Pilot project to reprocess naval spent fuel at Idaho National Laboratory
- U.S. plutonium pit production and disposition plans face congressional scrutiny
- Declaring more U.S. weapon-grade uranium excess could delay the need to build a new national enrichment plant
- Questions about projected U.S. plutonium pit production capability
- Accident said to damage India's nuclear-powered submarine
- Fissile material issues in the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
- India launches its second nuclear-powered submarine
- Spent fuel of plutonium production reactors removed from Zheleznogorsk
- Chinese naval reactors
- U.S. Department of Energy seeks domestic enrichment capability
- United States adds 500 warheads to dismantlement queue, outlines its nuclear security record
- U.S. Congress sustains MOX facility construction
- India's first nuclear submarine accepted for service
- A plan to upgrade naval spent fuel handling facility at the Idaho National Laboratory
- Pakistan may be building a new enrichment facility
- U.S. reprocessing plant at the Savannah River Site resumed operations
- Russia to decommission a metallurgical plant in Seversk
- United States releases an update of its HEU inventory
- Ongoing transfers of weapon materials between the United States and the United Kingdom
- United States to discontinue construction of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility
- Could the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant go critical if more plutonium were disposed in it?
- United States to dispose of 6 MT of weapon-grade plutonium in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Former defense reprocessing plant in Seversk to be decommissioned
- IPFM presents Global Fissile Material Report 2015 at the NPT Review Conference
- United States has no preferred alternative for disposition of surplus plutonium
- U.S. Department of Energy set to restart last remaining U.S. reprocessing plant
- U.S. MOX report reveals major cost estimate increases
- Russia removed weapon-grade plutonium from Seversk
- Pakistan's Chashma reprocessing plant may be completed
- Fourth plutonium production reactor in Pakistan appears operational
- Two new reports raise fundamental questions on Savannah River MOX plant
- Savannah River MOX Plant secures 2015 funding but future of program remains in doubt
- U.S. MOX plant construction license extended
- Pakistan outlines scope for FM(C)T intended to establish parity with India
- India ratifies an additional protocol and will safeguard two more nuclear power reactors
- Pakistan begins operating third Khushab plutonium production reactor
- Damning U.S. Department of Energy audit on cost and schedule overruns at the MOX Fabrication Facility at the Savannah River Site
- United States updates information about its nuclear weapons stokpile
- United States puts MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility on cold standby
- Further increase in the cost of U.S. plutonium disposition program
- Rising cost of the Uranium Processing Facility in the United States
- UK nuclear warhead dismantlement program
- India activated its first nuclear submarine reactor
- United States to look for more efficient plutonium disposition options
- The cost of the U.S. MOX plant is estimated to be $7.7 billion
- Amounts of fissile materials in early Soviet nuclear devices
- United States begins shipments of plutonium from Savannah River to WIPP
- Special nuclear material removed from Livermore
- Unprecedented security breach at the key U.S. HEU storage facility
- Environmental impact statement for the U.S. surplus plutonium disposition program
- U.S. Nuclear Weapons Council recommends deferral of the CMRR facility
- United States releases an update of its plutonium inventory
- Decommissioning of Seversk plutonium production reactors
- Pakistan again blocks UN Conference on Disarmament talks on FCMT
- Russia to complete separation of weapon-grade plutonium
- North Korea agreed to suspend nuclear activities
- Some details of India's nuclear program
- H-Canyon to produce MOX feed from excess weapon plutonium
- United States produces MOX feed from weapon plutonium
- U.S. non-military plutonium in 2010
- United States announces details of the American Assured Fuel Supply
- U.S. court rules against suspension of CMRR plutonium facility
- Questions raised about safety of the U.S. MOX plant
- A U.S. court to hold hearings on CMRR plutonium facility at Los Alamos
- U.S. MOX program wanted relaxed security at the weapon-grade plutonium facility
- U.S. plutonium disposition program: Uncertainties of the MOX route
- Zheleznogorsk will complete separation of plutonium in 2012
- Pakistan is seen as building fourth plutonium production reactor
- Pakistan to block progress at the CD, citing Obama's support of India joining NSG
- The Conference on Disarmament in 2011: Pakistan and the FMCT, and Wikileaks
- India starts new unsafeguarded reprocessing plant
- India shuts down CIRUS reactor
- U.S. non-military plutonium in 2009
- Future supply of tritium for U.S. nuclear weapons in doubt
- Restroom cleaner vapors shut down parts of Los Alamos plutonium processing facility
- United States and Russia request safeguards for their excess plutonium
- POGO report on U.S. highly-enriched uranium
- Changes in U.S. Surplus Plutonium Disposition program
- Nuclear warhead dismantlement at Y-12 suspended over safety issues
- Argentina considers naval reactors
- Project 816 - Unfinished plutonium production complex in China
- India developing new centrifuges and increasing enrichment capacity
- Video of handling of nuclear warheads at a NNSA facility
- U.S.-Russian Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement
- Russia no longer produces weapon materials
- Nuclear Security Summit documents
- United States and Russia sign protocol to plutonium disposition agreement
- Last Russian plutonium production reactor to finally shut down
- U.S. and Russia to finalize plutonium disposition agreement
- Plutonium processing to remain at Mayak
- U.S. civilian plutonium in 2008
- Pakistan may have completed new plutonium production reactor, Khushab-II
- Shutdown schedule for Russia's last plutonium production reactor
- Incident at Russian plutonium production reactor
- U.S. assistance in securing fissile materials in Russia
- Tritium production and recovery in the United States in FY2011
- U.S. contribution to Russia's plutonium disposition program
- U.S. fissile material disposition programs in FY2011
- U.S. administration requests funds for nuclear weapons facilities
- NNSA nuclear warheads activity in FY2011
- Start-up of the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility at Oak Ridge
- U.S. Navy plans for a new class of ballistic-missile submarines
- BN-800 expected to begin operations in 2014
- Improvements of the MPC&A system at Mayak
- Pakistan has blocked the start of talks on a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty
- Categorization of HEU fuel at Sandia
- Nuclear Fuel Services plant suspends production
- Refurbishing of nuclear warhead components in the U.S.
- Russia restarts plutonium production reactor
- Photos of trucks that transport nuclear materials and weapons components
- U.S. and Russian experts talk nuclear security at Angarsk
- Plutonium production reactor in Zheleznogorsk shut down
- Metallurgical plant at Mayak to close by 2014
- The last Russian plutonium production reactor to shut down
- IAEA reports on Iran and Syria
- NNSA releases plan for nuclear complex
- Last Russian plutonium production reactor to shut down in 2009
- MOX fuel controversy
- Plutonium from last Russian production reactors
- Zheleznogorsk reactor shutdown schedule
- Mayak wants to build a MOX fabrication plant
- Russia ends plutonium production in Seversk
- Areva signs contract to build MOX fuel fabrication facility
- Accelerated downblending: Domenici amendment
- Plutonium production reactor in Seversk shut down
- Most sensitive nuclear material removed from Sandia
- U.S.-Russian agreement on plutonium disposal
- U.S. removes nine tonnes of Pu from weapon stockpile