Germany submitted to IAEA its annual declaration of holdings of civilian plutonium and highly enriched uranium as of December 31, 2012 - INFCIRC/549/Add.2/16.
The document states that at the end of 2012 Germany had 2.4 tonnes of separated unirradiated plutonium "contained in unirradiated MOX fuel or other fabricated products," up from 2.1 tonnes declared in 2011. In addition, 100.2 tonnes of plutonium is contained in spent fuel stored at reactor sites (this number is up from 96.0 in 2011) and 6.0 tonnes - in irradiated fuel "held elsewhere" (this number hasn't changed since 2011).
Germany declared that it has 0.24 tonnes of HEU in research reactors, 0.93 tonnes of irradiated HEU in storage, and 0.03 tonnes of HEU "held elsewhere." The numbers in 2011 were 0.25, 0.93, and 0.03 tonnes respectively.