Archive: HEU minimization
- Civilian plutonium declarations for 2023
- Small quantity of HEU to be exported to Japan
- NNSA to ask for risk assessment of weapons usability of High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium fuels
- Russia removed all HEU spent fuel from naval base in Gremikha
- ASP Isotopes to provide HALEU to TerraPower
- Framatom to provide HALEU metal for TerraPower
- Framatome to produce LEU fuel for Germany's FRM-II reactor
- 2022 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- US Department of Energy requests proposals for HALEU deconversion
- TerraPower and Centrus to cooperate on HALEU
- US government urged to stop the HEU test reactor project
- US reactor experiment to use HEU
- 2021 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Russia delivers fuel for China's CFR-600 reactor
- US National Academies panel skeptical about US Department of Energy's promotion of spent fuel reprocessing
- Conversion of the last HEU research reactor in Japan
- All HEU removed from the Kyoto University Critical Assembly
- Removal of HEU from three Japan's research facilities
- Restart of the IVG.1M reactor with LEU fuel
- US to export HEU fuel for the BR2 reactor in Belgium
- United States secures HEU-free supply of Mo-99
- UK company requested five grams of HEU for radiation detectors
- 2020 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Kazakhstan moves downblended fuel of IGR reactor to storage
- Russia launches production line to supply uranium fuel for China's CFR-600 reactor
- United States and Kazakhstan work to eliminate HEU fuel of research reactors
- United States continues to supply weapon-grade HEU for French reactor
- U.S. and Norway will work together to downblend Norwegian HEU
- 2019 civilian plutonium and HEU declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Framatome and Technical University of Munich will work on U-Mo fuel
- U.S. to export small amount of HEU to Belgium for safeguards applications
- Belgium produced first commercial batch of Mo-99 with LEU
- US study of reactor and fuel types to enable naval reactors to shift from HEU fuel
- Australia's 2019 INFCIRC/912 HEU report
- United States to continue export of HEU for medical isotope production
- US debates its future needs for enriched uranium for military and other purposes
- 2018 civilian plutonium and HEU declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Russia appears to expand the HEU production line in Zelenogorsk
- All fuel removed from the last HEU research reactor in Canada, SLOWPOKE-II Saskatchewan
- Exports of U.S. civilian HEU
- Norway submits first HEU declaration under INFCIRC/912
- Supply of U.S. HEU to Europe for Mo-99 production continues
- Russia delivers a batch of HEU fuel for China's CEFR fast neutron reactor
- U.S. shift away from HEU-fueled naval nuclear reactors could begin in the 2040s
- Transfer of HEU from the United Kingdom to the United States is completed
- High-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) production in the United States
- Russia to supply HEU fuel for China's CFR-600 fast reactor
- All HEU removed from Nigeria
- Malaysia and Luxembourg join the HEU minimization initiative
- United States to export small amount of HEU to United Arab Emirates
- United States to down-blend HEU for tritium production
- One of U.S. HEU reactors, TREAT, restarted
- 2017 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to IAEA
- Request for another shipment of U.S. HEU to Europe for Mo-99 production
- Russia is working on lifetime cores of naval reactors
- Pilot project to reprocess naval spent fuel at Idaho National Laboratory
- Canada's NRU reactor permanently shut down
- United States to send more HEU to Europe for Mo-99 production
- Small amount of HEU from the United States to the United Kingdom
- Medical isotope production in the Netherlands converted to LEU
- Fissile material issues in the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
- United States to continue supplying HEU for Mo-99 production in Europe
- New Russian icebreakers will use HEU fuel
- Production of new highly enriched uranium in Russia for the FRM-II in Germany
- Kazakhstan tests LEU fuel in IVG research reactor
- 2016 civilian plutonium reports submitted to IAEA
- Isotope production in South Africa converted to LEU
- All HEU removed from the VVR-K reactor in Kazakhstan
- The Use of Highly-Enriched Uranium as Fuel in Russia - New IPFM report
- Production of medical isotopes in Russia
- All HEU is removed from Ghana
- Export of U.S. HEU to Europe authorized
- Research reactor in Ghana converted to LEU
- Russia decommissioned one of its HEU facilities
- U.S. material in Europe to be used to manufacture HEU targets
- U.S. to provide small amounts of HEU to Slovenia and South Korea
- More than twenty states commit to minimize HEU in civilian applications
- India's first nuclear submarine accepted for service
- Russia suspends cooperation agreement with the United States and ends reactor conversion work
- Russia prepares to accept spent fuel of Kazakhstan's VVR-K reactor
- United States to prepare HEU shipment to Canada as part of a Mo-99 contingency plan
- All HEU fuel removed from Poland
- 2015 civilian plutonium reports submitted to IAEA
- National Academies report on production of molybdenum-99 for medical imaging
- Indonesia is now free of HEU
- By exporting HEU to Europe United States contradicts its own Nuclear Security Summit pledge
- U.S. Office of Naval Reactors outlines $1 billion R&D plan for development of LEU fuel
- United States to supply HEU for Mo-99 production in Europe
- Russia confirmed supplying HEU to the FRM-II reactor in Germany
- United States to supply small amount of HEU to China
- United States to provide a small amount of HEU to Japan
- United States to export HEU fuel for Belgium's BR-2 reactor
- IRT-T research reactor in Tomsk to operate on HEU until 2035
- Canada to shut down one of its SLOWPOKE reactors
- Questionable HEU exchange between United Kingdom and United States
- Elimination of all HEU in Argentina
- Kazakhstan completed conversion of VVR-K reactor
- One of China's MNSR reactors converted to LEU
- BR-2 reactor in Belgium switched fuel providers, but keeps HEU
- Plutonium from Japan is shipped to the United States
- New IPFM report: Banning the production of highly enriched uranium
- United States brings plutonium from Germany, Switzerland, and Japan
- U.S. National Academies report on reducing the use of HEU in research reactors
- HEU left behind in 1998 is finally removed from Georgia
- 2014 civilian plutonium (and HEU) reports submitted to IAEA
- All HEU is removed from Uzbekistan
- GAO report evaluates U.S. efforts to secure vulnerable nuclear materials
- All HEU removed from Jamaica
- HEU Spent Fuel from Switzerland Arrives at Savannah River Site; May be Last Shipment from Switzerland
- Gamma research reactor at Kurchatov Institute is being decommissioned
- Another shipment of U.S. HEU to Canada is requested
- U.S. HEU for medical isotope production in Europe
- United Stated to send 130 kg of HEU to France
- Kazakhstan removes spent fuel of VVR-K reactor, commits to eliminate HEU
- No research reactor fuel was shipped to the United States since 2012
- United States to supply HEU for Belgian BR2 reactor
- Russia completed conversion of Argus research reactor
- Russia and the United States continue to discuss conversion of research reactors
- United States prepares to restart TREAT reactor
- Fresh fuel of VVR-K critical assembly removed from Kazakhstan
- Some spent HEU fuel removed from Poland
- United States to send more HEU to Europe for medical isotope production
- Germany's 2013 report on civilian plutonium and HEU
- French civilian plutonium and HEU in 2013
- United States continues export of highly enriched uranium to Canada and Europe
- US NRC releases report on the use of HEU in research reactors
- United States opens to the possibility of using LEU in its future naval reactors
- Kazakhstan is working on conversion of IVG research reactor
- HEU and plutonium removed from Belgium
- HEU and plutonium removed from Italy
- United States and Japan to remove plutonium and HEU from Fast Critical Assembly
- Russia to return all HEU from Uzbekistan
- Russia to supply HEU to research reactors abroad
- Russia to return nuclear-powered container ship to service
- HEU spent fuel removed from LFR reactor at Petten
- United States continues to supply HEU to Europe
- Last HEU-LEU program shipment to leave Russia
- All HEU removed from Hungary
- Shipments of research reactor fuel to the United States
- Russia to supply HEU fuel for fast neutron reactor in China
- Russia to supply HEU fuel for French research reactor
- Transfer of Georgian HEU spent fuel from Dounreay to Savannah River Site
- United States to ship 7.5 kg of HEU to Canada
- Germany's 2012 civilian plutonium and HEU declaration
- All highly-enriched uranium removed from Vietnam
- Progress in the US-Russian reactor conversion program
- Areva to supply fuel for FRM-II research reactor
- United States continues HEU supply to Canada
- All HEU removed from Czech Republic
- HEU spent fuel of a Czech research reactor arrived in Murmansk
- No date yet for PIK reactor start-up
- All HEU removed from Austria
- Spent HEU fuel removed from Uzbekistan
- Russia launches HEU production line
- Germany declares its 2011 plutonium and HEU stocks
- Russia to begin conversion of its research reactors to LEU in 2013
- Maria reactor in Poland converted to LEU
- Russia and the United States to work on HEU removal
- Kazakhstan begins tests of LEU fuel for VVR-K reactor
- Brazil formally initiates its nuclear-powered submarine project
- Russia and the United States to work on reactor conversion
- U.S. administration announces steps to encourage production of Mo-99 without HEU
- Russia to consolidate HEU fuel production in Electrostal
- Russia is set to produce new highly-enriched uranium
- NNSA requests license to supply HEU to Europe
- United States looking to shut down last HEU pulsed reactor
- Russia to take spent fuel of Uzbekistan's research reactors
- Austria and Norway present a working paper on HEU minimization
- Conversion of High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge delayed until 2020
- NNSA to support accelerator-driven Mo-99 production in the U.S.
- U.S. to supply LEU for Belgian BR2 research reactor
- Russia develops LEU fuel for VVR-K reactor in Kazakhstan
- Small amount of HEU remained in Ukraine
- Nuclear submarine inducted into Indian Navy
- U.S. reported to complete HEU shipment to France
- Sweden to export plutonium to the United States
- U.S. to supply HEU to European countries while they pursue conversion
- Ukraine removed all HEU from its territory
- All HEU is removed from Mexico
- Vietnam to return spent fuel of research reactor in Dalat to Russia
- Russia and the United States completed conversion feasibility studies for two reactors
- Russia hands over a nuclear submarine to India
- India plans new research reactors
- Congress urged to restrict Russian medical isotopes produced with HEU
- Kazakhstan eliminates 33 kg of fresh HEU fuel
- GAO report on U.S. ability to account for its nuclear material overseas
- U.S. is working to remove nuclear material from Italy
- United States to remove HEU from Mexico
- Belarus suspends HEU removal talks with the United States
- U.S.-origin HEU spent fuel removed from South Africa
- More delays for PIK reactor
- Germany plutonium and HEU stocks in 2010
- Russia starts IBR-2 reactor after modernization
- Start-up of PIK reactor further delayed
- A bill to reduce use of HEU in Mo-99 production is introduced in the Senate
- Fresh HEU fuel removed from Ukraine
- Spent fuel of a research reactor in Vinca shipped to Russia
- German government blocks HEU spent fuel shipment to Russia
- Belarus will remove all HEU by 2012
- U.S. attempts to remove spent research reactor fuel from Pakistan
- 85 kg of HEU removed from Belarus
- The 2009 HEU shipment from Libya detailed
- Rosatom and DoE to study conversion of Russian reactors
- Spent HEU fuel removed from General Atomics facility
- Spent fuel of Rossendorf research reactor to be shipped to Russia
- South Africa's Nesca to supply all-LEU molybdenum-99 to the United States
- HEU-fueled reactor operated without license for months
- Spent HEU fuel shipped from Poland
- Russia to remove HEU fuel from Belarus
- HFR reactor at Petten resumed operations
- Failure of a research reactor in Egypt reported
- NIIAR at Dimitrovgrad prepares to enter Mo-99 market
- South African company delivers Mo-99 produced with LEU
- Canada completed repair of NRU reactor
- Supply of Russian HEU to Western Europe
- Argentina considers naval reactors
- Spent HEU fuel removed from a research reactor in Kiev
- Obninsk institute produces Mo-99 for Poland
- MURR reactor to be converted to LEU fuel
- Update on shipments of research reactor fuel to the U.S.
- Russia's commitment to remove research reactor fuel in 2010
- Nuclear Security Summit documents
- Canada to return HEU from Chalk River to the United States
- All HEU removed from Chile
- Global inventory of HEU-fueled reactors, 2009
- Ukraine pledged to remove all HEU by 2012
- PIK reactor start-up delayed
- U.S. to supply HEU for the High Flux Reactor in France
- United States to send HEU to France for Belgian BR2 reactor
- HFR reactor shut down for repairs
- Maria reactor to produce molybdenum
- GTRI plans for FY2011
- U.S. assistance in securing fissile materials in Russia
- NRC declined to restrict licensing of civilian use of HEU
- Two U.S. companies get grants to build domestic medical isotope production
- Shipments of spent fuel of research reactors to the U.S.
- PIK reactor is ready for start-up
- Categorization of HEU fuel at Sandia
- Almost all HEU removed from Turkey
- Russia's reactor decommissioning plans
- Last HEU is removed from Libya
- GTRI announces reactor conversions, fuel removals
- NNSA announces conversion of research reactors
- U.S. and Russian experts talk nuclear security at Angarsk
- Moscow summit yields little visible progress on nuclear cooperation
- Spent HEU fuel removed from Romania by air
- Fresh HEU fuel removed from Romania
- VVR-M reactor in Ukraine received LEU fuel
- U.S. removes spent HEU fuel from Australia
- Spent HEU fuel removed from Kazakhstan
- NRU reactor at Chalk River Labs shut down for repairs
- Obama-Medvedev statement notes civil HEU minimization, 123 agreement
- Update on GTRI strategy and numbers
- Russia will bring back spent fuel from research reactor in Romania
- HFR isotope production reactor restart
- GTRI to bring gap material from Canada, South Africa
- Russia prepares to bring spent fuel from Hungary
- Europe's isotope production reactors are down
- Research reactors conversion in Russia
- Spent HEU fuel removed from Bulgaria
- Fuel from reactor in Hungary will be removed this year
- Russia will work to remove spent fuel of a research reactor from Bulgaria
- Spent HEU fuel removed from Latvia
- TVEL will supply HEU fuel to Poland