On September 22, 2014 the U.S. National Nuclear Security Agency submitted a request for a license (XSNM3755) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The license would allow the Y-12 Nuclear Security Complex to export 4 kg of HEU to Europe. The material will be used "for fabrication of targets to be used for Molybdenum (Mo)-99 production until conversion to LEU targets is implemented."
The shipment will contain "3.73 kg uranium-235 contained in maximum of 4.00 kg of uranium, enriched to maximum 93.35 weight %, in the form of broken metal."
The Dutch Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG) is listed as the ultimate consignee for the license. The targets will be fabricated by CERCA (France), irradiated in three reactors - the High Flux Reactor (Petten, The Netherlands), BR-2 Reactor (Mol, Belgium), and Maria Reactor (Otwock-Swierk, Poland) - and then reprocessed at the Mallinckrodt Molybdenum Production Facility (Petten, The Netherlands).
Last time the NNSA requested an export license for Mo-99 production in March 2013 (it was amended in December 2013)
UPDATE: The license XSNM3755 was issued on January 26, 2015.