United States to export small amount of HEU to United Arab Emirates

Thermo Fisher Scientific, a company based in San Diego, CA requested a license to export a small amount of HEU to the United Arab Emirates. The material is used in neutron flux monitoring system supplied by the company. The license request XSNM3806 covers 0.152 kg of HEU containing 0.143 kg of uranium-235 (stated maximum enrichment 94%). The request XSNM3805 (earlier version) is for spares containing 0.047 kg of HEU (0.045 kg of U-235).

UPDATE: The license XSNM3806 was granted on 11 March 2019. The license XSNM3805 was granted on 18 July 2019.

UPDATE: The license was amended [XSNM3806/02 application and license] to extend the expiration date to 31 December 2028 and increase the amount of material to 0.5 kg of HEU.

UPDATE: The license was amended [XSNM3806/03 application and license] to update the total number of fission chambers and to add Tecnatom in Slovenia and EDF Energy Generation Ltd. in the United Kingdom to the list of consignees.