Archive: Spent fuel management
- U.S. promotion of nuclear power during the Biden administration
- Civilian plutonium declarations for 2023
- United Kingdom plans to immobilize civilian plutonium
- China starts construction of a third demonstration reprocessing plant
- Russia removed all HEU spent fuel from naval base in Gremikha
- Launch of the second reprocessing line in Zheleznogorsk
- Update on the US naval spent fuel shipments to Idaho National Lab
- 2022 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- Japan's never ending reprocessing saga
- Japan's plutonium utilization plan delayed again
- 2021 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
- US National Academies panel skeptical about US Department of Energy's promotion of spent fuel reprocessing
- Troubles with France's plutonium fuel program
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2021
- France will accept plutonium from Japan's Fugen reactor
- Shipment of MOX fuel from France to Japan
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2020
- US DOE and NRC at odds with regard to prospects for commercial reprocessing in the US
- China starts construction of a second 200 MT/year reprocessing plant
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2019
- Location of China's reprocessing plant
- U.S. Department of Energy "exploring" spent fuel reprocessing again
- New IPFM report on Britain's Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP)
- Shipments of U.S. spent fuel to the Idaho National Laboratory
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2018
- U.S. naval spent fuel shipped to the Idaho National Laboratory
- New IPFM report on remote detection of undeclared reprocessing
- Japan's new policy on its plutonium stockpile
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2017
- France and China continue to discuss reprocessing plant
- Pilot project to reprocess naval spent fuel at Idaho National Laboratory
- Ukraine to explore reprocessing its spent fuel in France
- Diverging recommendations on Sweden's spent nuclear fuel repository
- Decision time for Sweden's final repository for spent nuclear fuel
- Rokkasho plant will not start until 2021
- Status of plutonium management in Japan in 2016
- Unprecedented evidence of eroded safety culture at La Hague plutonium facility
- Japan decides to decommission the Monju reactor
- Sellafield's Evaporator D Project - A Lesson for La Hague?
- Reprocessing plant at Mayak to begin reprocessing of VVER-1000 fuel
- A plan to upgrade naval spent fuel handling facility at the Idaho National Laboratory
- Future of Japan's Monju plutonium breeder reactor under review
- U.S. reprocessing plant at the Savannah River Site resumed operations
- French plutonium policy questioned by a former senior EDF official
- Russia is expanding its reprocessing program at Mayak
- Japan's new law on funding plutonium reprocessing
- Experts write to U.S. Secretary of Energy Moniz to support termination of the MOX project
- IPFM Report "Alternatives to MOX" in Chinese
- IPFM Report "Plutonium Separation in Nuclear Power Programs" in Chinese
- Chinese scholars express concern about Japan's fissile materials
- Plutonium disposition in the United Kingdom - Immobilization option re-opened?
- Areva continues negotiations to build reprocessing plant in China
- United States grants advance consents rights to Korea for overseas reprocessing
- Advisory group recommends building dry storage facility in South Korea
- United Kingdom transfers "breeder material" from Dounreay to Sellafield
- U.S. Department of Energy set to restart last remaining U.S. reprocessing plant
- Alternatives to MOX: a new report by the International Panel on Fissile Materials
- Taiwan spent fuel reprocessing tender process suspended
- Taiwan tenders spent fuel reprocessing contract
- Ukraine and Holtec sign an updated agreement to build spent fuel storage
- Two new reports raise fundamental questions on Savannah River MOX plant
- Ukraine begins construction of centralized spent fuel storage
- No changes in U.S. civilian plutonium stock in 2013
- Russia's 2013 civilian plutonium declaration
- UK civilian plutonium and uranium stocks in 2013
- China has not separated any plutonium in 2013
- French civilian plutonium and HEU in 2013
- 1,000 tonnes of THORP contracts abandoned since 1994
- MOX fuel in Japan: Summary of shipments, use, and storage
- Russia reports its 2012 civilian plutonium stock
- Switzerland declares its 2013 plutonium stock
- U.S. civilian plutonium holdings in December 2012
- Sweden wants to transfer ownership of 834 kg of separated plutonium to the United Kingdom
- China calls on Japan to return weapons grade plutonium to the United States
- U.K. plutonium re-use policy slammed in House of Commons report
- Nuclear train accident in Britain latest of a recent series
- United Kingdom remains undecided on plutonium reuse options
- Rokkasho reprocessing plant expects to begin operations in October 2014
- Areva to produce MOX fuel for the Netherlands
- Japan reports its 2012 plutonium stock to IAEA
- China's 2012 civilian plutonium declaration
- Japan's 2012 plutonium management report
- France declares its 2012 stocks of civilian plutonium and HEU
- Roadmap for ending plutonium separation in Japan
- Lessons learned from Sellafield MOX Plant
- Switzerland's 2012 plutonium holdings
- Areva to build reprocessing plant in China
- Dutch spent fuel arrived for reprocessing at La Hague
- U.S. Department of Energy sets strategy for dealing with spent fuel
- Russia declares its 2011 civilian plutonium holdings
- United States declares its 2011 non-military plutonium stock
- India plans to increase reprocessing capacity
- UK civilian plutonium and HEU stocks in 2011
- French civilian plutonium and HEU stocks in 2011