Results tagged “IPFM”

  1. New IPFM report on remote detection of undeclared reprocessing
  2. IPFM member Jungmin Kang appointed as chairman of South Korea's Nuclear Safety and Security Commission
  3. China's Fissile Material Production and Stockpile - New IPFM report
  4. In Memoriam: Ambassador Miguel MarĂ­n Bosch (1942-2017)
  5. New IPFM report: Banning the production of highly enriched uranium
  6. In Memoriam: Ambassador Arend J. Meerburg (1939-2016)
  7. IPFM Report "Alternatives to MOX" in Chinese
  8. IPFM Report "Plutonium Separation in Nuclear Power Programs" in Chinese
  9. IPFM releases Global Fissile Material Report 2015: Nuclear Weapon and Fissile Material Stockpiles and Production
  10. IPFM presents Global Fissile Material Report 2015 at the NPT Review Conference