Countries: North Korea


North Korea is a nuclear weapon state outside of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Its nuclear arsenal is estimated to include about 10-20 warheads. It may have enough fissile material for as many as 60 warheads.

North Korea operates a 5 MWe plutonium production reactor at Yongbyon. The reactor resumed operation in August 2013 after having been shut-down in 2007 and having its cooling tower demolished as part of an agreed program to end production and disable the facility. It is estimated that North Korea may have about 40 kg of separated plutonium as of 2023.

North Korea is operating a centrifuge enrichment plant at Yongbyon. It also may have a second as yet undeclared enrichment plant. There is as yet no firm evidence that North Korea has produced HEU. Independent estimates suggest a possibility of an accumulated HEU stockpile range of 280-1500 kg.