Results tagged “reactor conversion”

  1. Framatome to produce LEU fuel for Germany's FRM-II reactor
  2. Framatome and Technical University of Munich will work on U-Mo fuel
  3. Research reactor in Ghana converted to LEU
  4. Russia suspends cooperation agreement with the United States and ends reactor conversion work
  5. By exporting HEU to Europe United States contradicts its own Nuclear Security Summit pledge
  6. U.S. Office of Naval Reactors outlines $1 billion R&D plan for development of LEU fuel
  7. United States to export HEU fuel for Belgium's BR-2 reactor
  8. IRT-T research reactor in Tomsk to operate on HEU until 2035
  9. New IPFM report: Banning the production of highly enriched uranium
  10. GAO report evaluates U.S. efforts to secure vulnerable nuclear materials