Results tagged “Germany”

  1. Civilian plutonium declarations for 2023
  2. Framatome to produce LEU fuel for Germany's FRM-II reactor
  3. 2022 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
  4. URENCO plans to expand the Gronau enrichment plant in Germany
  5. 2021 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
  6. 2020 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to the IAEA
  7. 2019 civilian plutonium and HEU declarations submitted to the IAEA
  8. 2018 civilian plutonium and HEU declarations submitted to the IAEA
  9. 2017 civilian plutonium declarations submitted to IAEA
  10. Production of new highly enriched uranium in Russia for the FRM-II in Germany