Results matching “NRC”

  1. US to export HEU fuel for the BR2 reactor in Belgium
  2. UK company requested five grams of HEU for radiation detectors
  3. United States to send small quantities of fissile materials to the IAEA
  4. US DOE and NRC at odds with regard to prospects for commercial reprocessing in the US
  5. United States continues to supply weapon-grade HEU for French reactor
  6. Decommissioning the reprocessing plant in West Valley, New York
  7. U.S. to export small amount of HEU to Belgium for safeguards applications
  8. Exports of U.S. civilian HEU
  9. Supply of U.S. HEU to Europe for Mo-99 production continues
  10. NRC terminates construction authorization for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility