High Level FMCT Expert Preparatory Group begins its work

The first session of the High Level Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT) Expert Preparatory Group took place in New York on March 2-3, 2017. The Group was established by the UN Secretary General at the request of the UN General Assembly. The meeting in New York was open to all Member States. Some statements are available at the UNODA web site.

The discussions will continue in Geneva on July 31, 2017 among the 25 members of the High-Level Group. As of March 3, 2017, the following states were invited to join the High-Level Group:

  1. Algeria
  2. Argentina
  3. Australia
  4. Brazil
  5. Canada
  6. China
  7. Colombia
  8. Egypt
  9. Estonia
  10. France
  11. Germany
  12. India
  13. Indonesia
  14. Japan
  15. Mexico
  16. Morocco
  17. Netherlands
  18. Poland
  19. Republic of Korea
  20. Russia
  21. Senegal
  22. South Africa
  23. Sweden
  24. United Kingdom
  25. United States

China has not yet confirmed its participation. Pakistan was approached, but indicated that it will not join the group (see Pakistan's statement at the meeting).