Results tagged “United States”
- URENCO USA - Response to RFI Regarding Planning for Establishment of a Program to Support the Availability of HALEU
- No Need for DOE's Costly 'Versatile Test Reactor'
- The Secretary of the Navy and NNSA letter to Rep. Thornberry regarding naval LEU fuel
- Declaring more U.S. weapon-grade uranium excess could delay by two decades the need to build a new national enrichment plant
- Secretaries of Energy and the Navy letter to Sen. Fisher regarding advanced naval nuclear fuel
- Secretaries of Energy and the Navy letter to Rep. Rogers regarding advanced naval nuclear fuel
- Decree by the President of the Russian Federation on the suspension of the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement
- Conceptual Research and Development Plan for Low-Enriched Uranium Naval Fuel
- Letter to Secretary of Energy regarding MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant
- Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (123 Agreement) between the United States and the Republic of Korea