Reports to US Congress on LEU fuel for naval reactors
Report on Use of Low Enriched Uranium in Naval Nuclear Propulsion, Prepared by Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion, June 1995
Report on Low Enriched Uranium for Naval Reactor Cores, Report to Congress, Department of Energy, January 2014
Conceptual Research and Development Plan for Low-Enriched Uranium Naval Fuel, Report to Congress, National Nuclear Security Administration, July 2016
The Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of the Navy, Letter to Rep. Rogers Pursuant to Section 3118 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, 25 March 2018
The Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of the Navy, Letter to Sen. Fisher Pursuant to Section 3118 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, 25 March 2018
The Secretary of the Navy and the Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors, NNSA, Letter to Rep. Thornberry in response to Section 3115 of Public Law 115-91, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018, 24 July 2018